Friday, October 9, 2015

Harper Derangement Syndrome on dislay at CPC rally in Surrey, BC

As the election draws closer, Harper Derangement Syndrome seems to be intensifying.  On the way into the CPC campaign rally in Surrey last night, a guy walked back and forth on the sidewalk across the street shouting vile insults at rally-goers lining up outside the venue.  It was funny, weird and at the same time disturbing because he seemed genuinely nuts.

And inside the venue, during Stephen Harper's speech, three more "protesters" managed to infiltrate the rally.  One unfurled a banner calling for "climate justice" (don't we all know Harper is a climate criminal?), another rushed towards Harper (aiming to do what wasn't clear) getting within a foot of him before being tackled by security guards, and shortly after a third started shouting at Harper from the audience before being grabbed and hustled out.

All in all, it was described by reporters as "the worst security breach of the campaign". The security people really started looking worried after the fracas (for their jobs, maybe?)


  1. The guy must watch too much CBC.

  2. Starting to get a little bit deranged myself when I see that niqab wearing woman got our precious Canadian citizenship after lecturing us and insulting us. Even more when I see so many traitors applauding this. Maybe it will help get Harper reelected, though.

  3. I was accosted by the nut outside as well JR. Thing is this guy is not a fringe member of the left (as nutty as he was). This guy is part of the base along with the other nutbars inside.

  4. It's only CPC rallies that get the nutbar protesters. The left are hateful bigots of the highest order and all the proof you need of that is the vile venom they spew about conservatives on a daily basis. That's why I won't put a lawn sign up.

  5. I'm really looking forward to another Harper majority. That will be true "justice"; and, watching all those lefty heads explode (esp the Media Party heads) will be hugely entertaining!

  6. I thought only invited people were allowed inside at these rallies.How did 3 nut jobs get in?

  7. This is totally off topic, but I still find it odd. There is no "Roy Driver MPP"

    According to the CBC

    "While many Canadian school children may love our nation's flag, they're under no obligation to salute or swear to it. Well, all that may be about to change. Ontario MPP Roy Driver has a bold—and some would say un-Canadian—proposal: he wants to introduce a pledge of allegiance in Canada's schools.

    "America has done it right."
    - Roy Driver, Ontario MPP
    "We need to find ways to be more patriotic, and this is it," says Driver.

    When asked if he had any thoughts on what the pledge may sound like," Driver responded by saying: "I don't see why we couldn't just use the American pledge ... it's a perfect pledge and without changing a word, it works for the Canadian flag."

  8. I agree with Roy Elsworth above... These "protesters" are professional agitators. It would be nice to know who is paying them, the "Liberals", the Unions, some fake NGO like the Pembina Institute? Its a rogues gallery of dishonest hateful thugs and thieves. Don't like how close that deranged asshole came to the PM, looks like a disturbing situation. I hope security straitened his ass out. It was awesome when everyone started chanting "Harper, Harper, Harper". Its probably going to get much uglier in the next 10 days with these professional agitators and the Media Party, the stench of desperation and hate from the left is getting pretty thick.

  9. A man called into the CPAC call in show today and said the ballot boxes are smaller then other years and at the end of the day, they broke the seal and put all the ballots in an envelope and threw the envelope back into the box. They were going to use the same box the next day with the broken seal. He said he called Elections Canada to report it. A case of possible ballot stuffing??
