Sunday, November 8, 2015

NOAA hypes "extreme weather" agitprop

For climate alarmists, “extreme” weather events are considered irrefutable evidence of AGW and its harmful effects.  They hype extreme weather agitprop relentlessly.  Even the once reputable National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has been subverted for the purpose.  However NOAA’s “explanations”, come riddled with disclaimers, speculation, contradiction and uncertainty:
... I would be a lot more impressed if NOAA could explain the extreme events of 2016, rather than trying to retrofit alarmist explanations to events they have no skill to predict. Starting with an assumption that an anthropogenic effect is playing a substantial role is not the same as demonstrating that this is the case.    


  1. Starting with an assumption that an anthropogenic effect is playing a substantial role is not the same as demonstrating that this is the case.

    Indeed. Proclamation without explanation is just propaganda and that's all the climate fascists really have.

  2. hype about our Trudeau Liberals Environment Ministe is making me SICK
    She is selling the cow with the milkr

  3. fhl:
    I agree. This story from NP illustrates how Minister McKenna has adopted the childish slogan that"Canada is back" in her communications with colleagues. One of the important guidelines of diplomacy is to keep your cards close to your vest, to not
    telegraph what you are likely to do.Yet Jr and now his minister have done exactly that; they have telegraphed that they will sign anything put in front of them in Paris,probably without reading it.
    In their determination to be seen as different from the CPC, Liberals have devalued any bargaining advantages they had going into Paris.Not a sound negotiating strategy.

  4. Great point, fhl. Thanks for that link. I liked the final comment best:

    "Actually, the Liberal Party is back. Canada never left. But I appreciate the hubris,” replied Graeme Menzies, a marketing and communications professional, who called the hashtag an "F.U." to the voters who rejected the Liberal party three times over the past decade."
