Friday, November 6, 2015

Obama finally decides ...

... to kill Keystone XL:
The Keystone XL project, age 7, passed away on Friday, the victim of protracted political gamesmanship.
... On Friday morning, Barack Obama dragged the catatonic patient to the steps of the U.S. State Department and shot it dead. It might have even been merciful if only he had had the nerve to do it sooner.
“The critical factor in my determination was this: moving forward with this project would significantly undermine our ability to continue leading the world in combating climate change,” read a statement from Secretary of State John Kerry, written with what we can only presume was a straight face.
As the headline said:  "Keystone XL ... choked on political baloney"

More, by Claudia Cattaneo
Canadians of every political persuasion should be dismayed by U.S. President Barack Obama’s cowardly rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline. [Most are dismayed but there's no shortage of leftist, eco-nut traitors cheering the decision.]


  1. I don't think it ever had much of a chance from the very start. I haven't read everything involving this, but it does seem that transporting oil by pipeline is a whole lot safer than transporting it by train.

  2. Obama had no intention of approving the Keystone Pipeline - he suckered everyone. When the Middle East literally blows up, with Iran leading the way, North America will be crying for Alberta oil.

  3. old white guy says....... the oil will continue to flow via Mr. Buffets tankers and that will make Obama and Mr. Buffet very happy.

  4. I wonder if it's a coincidence that this announcement came so soon after Shiny Pony's election victory? Undoubtedly Gerald Butts and hence Shiny Pony are supportive of this decision.

  5. Johndoe124:
    Actually Jr was for Keystone, or at least he said he supported it, how strongly is anyone's guess. That Obama would be influenced by what Jr thought is extremely unlikely, If he even remembers a regime change in Canada it would surprise me. Obama answers to no one but his mirror on major policy decisions, his mind was made up months ago.

  6. It's been clear for a long time that Obama would eventually kill Keystone. That he took this long can be pegged to any one or all of: ideology, hypocrisy, cowardice, idiocy ...

    TransCanada has waited patiently for over 7 years, so one more year until a Republican president is elected shouldn't be too onerous.

  7. A stupid, stupid 7 years created by this man and his Hollywood/music industry, crazies.
    The US conservative media refer to the election of JT as 'Canada elected an extreme left winger' but theirs is definitely as extreme and unqualified to do much more that look good and push a pencil. I too believe that JT acting all Canadian by acting disappointed is simply an act as NDP Premier Notley did the same thing and she has never supported Keystone. JT said he did but I never believed him.

    Fortunately I think, that because Congress must support any asinine $$$ guaranteed/spent that BO makes at the Paris climate change talks,he will be given no, no and no. I also think that the Dems will not win in 2016 because of this decision.
