Thursday, November 5, 2015

The Media Party and Liberal Party consummate their romance

"Honeymoon is usually a just a metaphor, but yesterday it was a true conjugal merger":

Related: Terence Corcoran - The Trudeau II coronation is over — now time to face reality
Now the new young King of all Good Causes will move, accompanied by a 30-member cabinet of diversity and inclusiveness, of young innocents and ancient backroom hackers, to the next phase of what promises to be one of the most painful political adventures in the history of the Dominion of Canada.


  1. Will the CBC and Manbridge do a Day in the Life Of Rona Ambrose as they did a day in the life with Trudeau?

  2. LOL!!! Well I am sure that the Queen is more than delighted about such a commitment! It was for sure a goony lust fest yesterday. Couldn't stomach to watch it. These "reporters" need to get some pride. Thanks Rebel Media for providing some levity!

  3. Just SO sad to see a supposedly "serious" journalist such as Peter Mansbridge making such a teenaged fool of himself.....kissing Justin's shoes (or something). And.....Mansbridge didn't even seem to be embarrassed....(although I could only manage to stomach a minute or less of watching.)

  4. Such a group orgasm for the equivalent of Emperor Commodus of Rome. If my memory is correct it was he who allowed the invasion and fall of Rome. Being old enough to remember the same kind of group orgasm for the first Trudeau and the destruction of the country he caused, I find it too disgusting to watch or follow.

  5. LOL...he wasn't the only one who said HAIR...someone else in his Cabinet followed in his footsteps. I never saw such fawning in my entire life as Peter Mansbridge,Rosemary Barton and Hannah Theabadault. They were totally breathless...BAGPIPES? Seriously? Selfies and signing autographs? He's not like a Prime Minister...more like a rock star groupie. Like get over yourself and "sunny ways". My God..they even did a play by play of the prince and princess kiddies wardrobe. The kids let go, to run into their parents arms was like a Hallmark card. All staged of course. I heard the "fans" were Liberal campaign workers invited to CHEER. BIG SCREEN TV'S? Tents with hot chocolate and coffee and cookies? Like give me a break. I think Mansbridge has a male crush on Trudope...he sees dollar signs..$150 MILLION extra besides the 1.1 BILLION so we can watch the grins of those fools. Terry Mileski wasn't impressed...I loved his remarks. Trudope meeting the press but gave NO ANSWERS. Trudope in his PM office looked like a deer in"WHAT Do I DO NOW?"

  6. "Hairs"?????

    On Oct. 20, I remarked that the Liberal backroom should be given credit because, after all, they managed to elect Forrest Gump as PM. Now, I think I may have done Mr. Gump a disservice. Whether young Justin turns out to be the best PM (unlikely) or the worst...I would suggest he is, at least the dumbest PM in my lifetime....and my ever lengthening look into the rear view mirror takes me back to Mackenzie King (although my first actual recollection is that of St. Laurent.) I still cannot get over Mansbridge and other prostrating themselves before the "Son of God"....... Mansbridge made a fool of himself.

  7. Like others posting today I also couldn't stomach watching the Media lathering up and sexually assaulting Canadians in front of the cameras. I hope someone put Fife and Owlivers pants back on, no one needs to see that nightmarish image. I hear theres a real dogfight as to which Media Liberal will be Justines personal ass wiper, Owliver and Fife are scrapping it out with taxpayer funded Rosemary Barfton, the competition is vicious. My money is on Barfton, she maybe slightly younger than Fife and Owliver but reliable sources tell me Barfton has extensive experience in eating Liberals shit... she's a real pro. Meanwhile, Trudozo the prancing clown is still trying to figure out if taking the PM"s oath of office officially makes him the Queens new hairdresser. My "sources" tell me PM Butts is still trying to explain to Justine the difference between "heir" and "hair", by all reports its not going well.

  8. With CBC constantly under fire for leftist bias, one would think managers would go out of the way to ensure objectivity. Not to mention that the $1.1B subsidy is born by all taxpayers, not just the 39% voting Liberal. Yet the antics of Barton and Thibedeau show that they are not in the least concerned about objectivity, they do it because they can get away with it. No manager is going to review their on air performance and discipline them. That is a major CBC problem in the long run.

    Barton in particular is host of the CBC flagship political show. How can she expect to interview, criticize, confront cabinet ministers and be taken seriously after her antics on day 1?

  9. Does Craig Oliver from CTV ever have a major hate on for Harper to the point of insanity. Today he said "Harper snuck in the back door and left on the freight elevator." The woman on the show said..."oh Craig, be nice now". Oliver never got over Pierre and is kissing Justin Peewee Trudeau's a$$. Oliver can't stand the fact Harper was always the smartest man in the room and didn't bow down to the dumb media hacks.

  10. I whole heartedly agree with Anon above with regards to rat faced Craig Owliver, the man is truly deranged when it comes to PM Harper. I think Owlivers man love for that old gargoyle Trudo Sr. has left Owly with an incurable STD thats taken his mind, like Al Capone. I've personally given up watching any of the Canadian Liberal Party Media, it is a mugs game to expect fairness from these incredibly ignorant and solely dishonest Liberal attack dogs. We will be ruled over by the likes of that idiot Jr. and radicals like PM Butts and Beverly MacLachlan (aka. God), outside of a full revolution there's nothing we can do about repairing Canada's political institutions and we will remain peasants and slaves of the oligarchical Trudopian State. What a mess!

  11. Can't get over Oliver's remark that All Canada has been uplifted by recent events (the election result, Trudeau's speech, etc.). The rest of us are either chopped liver or we don't exist. The only real Canadians are Liberals. Happy times are here again.

  12. Justine is so inept that he's taking ALL provincial leaders to Paris. WHY? Because he has NO CLUE what to do or say. He needs his backup to help him, and if things go wrong, the media can BLAME anyone who was there but their golden boy. He keeps saying, him and his cabinet are a "TEAM". Right, because he needs them behind him to cover up how dumb he really is. He can't do anything on his's always the same old story..."have to "CONSULT" with the experts." His line of .."Its 2015" wasn't even his...check out the "DAY with Mansbridge" and when he had the sit down in the PM office, PM Butts told him to say that. What a carnival and a gong show. They talk about being respectful, but all they do is STILL Harper bash. They are afraid of Trudeau having to answer any REAL questions in QP from the opposition. Watch , they will be coving for him till doomsday.

  13. If you thought the swearing in was a love fest....check out the Civil servants love fest for Trudeau.SELFIES...What will they all do when the country goes down the toilet?


  15. Are they going to be bottling and selling Justin's bathwater next?
    Looks like that is the Canadian media's drink of choice.

  16. As per Ezra's T-shirt: 'DON'T BLAME ME, I VOTED CONSERVATIVE'.
