Monday, January 25, 2016

PM Selfie



  1. Who uses a selfie-stick these days? That's sooooo 2015.

  2. I am supposedly on the tail age (older that is) of the whole selfie generation, yet I don't get the whole idea. Who cares about his looks and charisma, policies is what matters. Besides I like a PM who is serious, not some celebrity type. But it seems at least those under 40 seem to like this style. God help us long-term.

  3. Hannah Thibido is fast becoming PM Clownypants number one fan in the Media, no easy feat with plenty of competition. Granted, no one in their right mind would ever see Thibido as a "journalist", that would be ridiculous and a preposterously absurd assumption. No, Thibodo has the mind and intellect of a teenage girl, much like the colossal nit-wit playing PM, but unlike a teenage girl Thibodumb will never grow up, also like the idiot actor playing PM, he'll never grow up either. I guess Thibodoo sees a grown man/boy taking pictures of himself as some sign of "leadership" or something equally absurd. Is there anything more pathetic than a sixty year old woman pretending to be a teenage 'reporter"? I guess a drug addled celebrity play acting as PM is pretty pathetic too.

  4. I agree Thibedeau and her sister CBC personalities are not journalists in the accepted definition of the word. In their self appointed official opposition role, they should be taking this PM and government to task for a host of missed promises and failed opportunities. Just one example, Jr missed his refugee quota promise for 2015 by about 92%; does no one think some analysis of the numbers and comparison with CPC projections is warranted? But these people have invested so much in leading the charge for government change, that they cannot come to terms with criticizing the government they helped elect.
    The election campaign is over and Canada faces stark economic realities, even if the PM doesn't seem to realize it. Maybe it is too much to ask the front line personalities to desist from their cheer leading role, but management should take a sober look at the objectivity CBC is supposed to uphold in their news reporting.
    Over $1 B with more on its way seems an excessive expenditure for silly posting of celebrity photo shots, worthy of the Hollywood Reporter.

  5. The press has set themselves up here. When public opinion turns on Justin and it will at least some people will lump them in with him. So the next election victory for us could really be a two-fer.

  6. I guess somehow it is Justin Trudeau's personal plan to MAKE people want to have their picture taken with him. The angry right blogosphere pretends that this is his doing, not just the result of many, many people simply wanting to record that they met the man, because they like/admire him. How is that his fault? Politicians typically are often asked to be in pictures with supporters, but some much more than others, and I guess it is a major problem and sign of weakness/incompetence if people want their picture with Trudeau. Yeah - that makes sense....
