Saturday, January 23, 2016

PM Selfie's embarrassing performance in Davos

Peter Foster: "Dumb in Davos":
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s sideswipes at Stephen Harper and Canadian resources at Davos on Wednesday were not merely unworthy, they were dumb. ...
Andrew Coyne:
... The last thing they [our resource industry] need is their prime minister making lame puns overseas at their expense, or implying their livelihoods are infra dig. ...
Rex Murphy:
Economist and Post columnist Stephen Gordon, stirred by the prime minister’s words, this week let loose a trio of tweets, with commendable panache, on essentially this very point. With twitterian terseness he texted: “It takes resourcefulness to extract resources”; “Extracting crude from the oil sands requires an insanely elevated level of engineering skills. It’s not like picking $$ from trees”; “Trudeau is buying into the Jed Clampett trope: resource extraction is something any dimwitted yob could do.”
One hopes that those dumb enough to vote for (or, in the media, to boost and cover for) now PM Selfie are suffering heavy duty buyer's remorse.

Updates: PMO doctored official transcript of Trudeau’s speech to remove his slur against Stephen Harper.

For the record:

Ezra Levant on PM Selfie's escapades:


  1. Your PM at work

    Hypocrisy, humbug and decadence in Davos: Crooning Hollywood A-listers, billionaire hedge-funders and sumptuous ski lodges... welcome to the World Economic Forum

  2. No doubt Canada has an imbecilic child as the new Chairman and no doubt the imbecilic child says very stupid things, and yet that is exactly what Canadians voted for, an imbecilic child who says stupid things. The fact that PM Clownypants was utterly unqualified for the job was obvious to anyone with a functioning brain, which ultimately doesn't say much for Canadians... Canada is a bad joke, hopelessly corrupt, divided, institutionally racist and has the "leader" it deserves, an imbecilic dope addled child. Embarrassing.

  3. Coyne should stfu. Murphy too. Trudeau is coynes boy. I guess now that the media engineered a lib majority with an idiot man child as a front man via the 10 year character assassination of Harper, they can engage in a bit of pretend journism by "criticizing" Trudeau.

    Coyne knows what he did and why.

  4. Never have I witnesses such an embarrassing performance by a Canadian government spokesman, and he is PM no less. Criticizing a former leader is just not done at international meetings, not after 3 months. Jr has no class, no clue, and absolutely no credibility. Only 3 months into his regime and already Canadians are thoroughly sick of his juvenile antics.


    Another great Rex comment.

  6. Nice to see coyne and the other media idiots found religion AFTER the election.

  7. It's time to keep a long memory folks. Next time FIRE Coyne. Kill the CBC and the rest of the leftist establishment instead of seeking their approval. These people are the enemy.

  8. I think Trudeau is a bit ignorant about the rest of the world thinking people in every other country think like him. In Europe right now, the attitude towards deficits is what it was in Canada during the 90s, i.e. they are bad rather than a good way to stimulate growth. While small deficits are not a problem on their own, the problem is they are addictive like cigarettes and the budget doesn't balance itself, you need spending cuts even if the economy picks up and I don't think Trudeau is able or willing to do this. Also small and reasonable deficits can easily balloon out of control and do we really want to wait until it is too late. Also on the Syrian crisis, Trudeau might want to remember Canada is a country built by immigration whereas most Old World countries have histories over 1,000 years and are divided along ethno-linguistic lines so asking them to embrace multiculturalism won't work.

    In terms of voter remorse, unfortunately I think he is still quite popular at the moment, but if things don't work out well, I suspect public opinion will turn. I think most Canadians are left wing at heart as they want to believe socialism can work even though every example shows it doesn't and it seems every decade or so they need to be reminded why it doesn't work by seeing it in action. I don't find socialism appealing at all, but I am probably a minority in Canada at the moment.
