Sunday, March 6, 2016

Rush Limbaugh on Donald Trump and Mitt Romney

If you haven't had enough jabber about Donald Trump yet, here's Rush:

and Mitt Romney's response:


  1. The "official conservative" commentary I have observed on on Trump pretty much boils down to 3 camps =

    * those bi-partisan Strausian Neo-cons and Donor-class RINOs who have a vested interest in the corruption of congress and the party system,

    * the rock ribbed GOP apparatchiks who support party exec. no mater how they frig with the balloting/candidate systems and loses to the Dems,

    * the Goldwater populists who reject GOP establishment political cronyism and seek to heal the country and innovate positive chance - these are not incompatible with Kennedy Dems (much common ground)

    The first 2 groups trash Trump with the type of mudslinging I'd expect from Dem media, the last group tend to be trump supporters who see his presidency as a positive change to the GOP oarty which it needs to survive as a party..

  2. Bill, I tend to agree. The GOP establishment has earned most of the populist blow-back it's getting. Trump may be the best chance for the populists to get their revenge. He's likely more electable than Cruz. But you have to admit Trump is a wild-card when it comes to policy and how well he'd actually do (for the country) if elected. His base and whole lot of others could be very disappointed. Still, I find myself cheering for him, for a lot of reasons (some not so noble).

  3. If I was judging Trump by his dialogue alone, I'd write him off as an asshat - but his personal record/success reveals a world class manager and negotiator.

    Any deficiency Trump has in the PR department he can easily make up for picking the right people to get his plan in actuation - and I believe the plan to be to get America back into business and back to work.

    The left are stuck on these social engineering projects the purpose of which everybody is becoming aware of, is to undermine the American system and bring the once great America down - they hate America and the collateral damage of their deconstructing the American republic is the death of American prosperity and social cohesion under the American dream.

    I believe the wide centrist vote has become aware of this and flood to Trump as a lifebuoy - if trump get the nomination he will pull most of that centrist vote from the Dems

  4. Well, based on the actual record of what he's said and who he's donated money to I'm sticking with my view of him as a wild-card. But the up-side of his past public statements declaring himself to be a liberal Democrat is that it may help him win votes from some of those who normally vote Democrat. Beyond that I think he's a man of, let's say, flexible principles. And, not to put too fine a point on it, a he's a world-class blowhard.

    Still, surrounded by the right people, if he listens to them, he could be an excellent president. It's a crap shoot, but it's a sure thing that Hillary would be a disaster, so GO TRUMP!

  5. "The first 2 groups trash Trump with the type of mudslinging I'd expect from Dem media, the last group tend to be trump supporters who see his presidency as a positive change to the GOP oarty which it needs to survive as a party.. "

    Wow, resoundingly wrong. Barry Goldwater was a Libertarian. Trump is an opportunist and fraud. This whole thing is a scam to get Clinton elected, and unearth the long discredited notion that the old racist parts of the south switched parties during Goldwaters Campaign.

    It was bogus then, even if some dems tried to fulfill that, but it may well happen under their guy Trump. Trump is not a constitutional conservative. Or even a republican and is even on record back in the 90's stating that he would pull this sort of stunt.
    You can't highjack the tea party, they draw out all the loonies and back water hill billies and call them grass roots.

    Not usually interested in his stuff but this was both brilliant and accurate.

    Not to meant that damning Ted Cruz attack ad against Trump that destroyed Trump's credibility entirely. but I don't have the link handy. Do look it up.
    And your welcome for giving you the heads up, even though a bit late.
