Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The morning after

Mary Matalin - Mendacity and Malice Won:
What happened? A political narcissistic sociopath leveraged fear and ignorance with a campaign marked by mendacity and malice rather than a mandate for resurgence and reform.  Instead of using his high office to articulate a vision for our future, Obama used it as a vehicle for character assassination, replete with unrelenting and destructive distortion, derision, and division.
... Unfortunately and unfortuitously, forces of nature bookended the general election: Our convention was compromised by one weather disaster and our momentum stalled by another. Two human hurricanes also radically altered the political atmosphere: Bill Clinton’s unique windbaggery constituted a campaign updraft, while Chris Christie’s deplorable and gratuitous gas-baggery infused the campaign with a toxic political pollution.
John O'Sullivan - Barack Obama’s new ethnic majority:
... it was misleading [of Obama] to describe his 2012 election campaign as a continuation of his earlier ‘movement for change’. In reality, it has been a smoothly ruthless operation to distract attention from a record that has been disappointingly bereft of change. He triumphed over himself as much as over the hapless Mitt Romney.
... The coming majority implies a different set of political priorities for the US government. A younger, poorer, less self-reliant electorate, rooted mainly in minority communities, is likely to demand a larger welfare state, greater regulation, more unionisation, higher government spending and higher taxes, initially ‘on the rich’.
Victor Davis Hanson -Three Ways of Explaining Defeat
Conservatives are divided, acrimoniously so, over three schools of explaining The Defeat.

1. The Near Fatalists. ...
2. The Should’ve, Could’ve, Would’ve What If-ers. ...
3. The Big Tenters. ...
Dow Jones Industrials

Conservatives have their work cut out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your tears sustain me.