Saturday, January 5, 2008

‘Human ambitions’ are not ‘human rights’

George Jonas lends some clarity to the definition of ‘human rights’:

Human rights laws and tribunals are based on the notion that being hired, promoted, serviced and esteemed is a human right. It isn't. Being hired, promoted, serviced and esteemed is a human ambition. It's a justifiable ambition, but still just an ambition.

A human right is to be sovereign in one's legitimate sphere. A human right is to select whom to hire, promote, service or esteem. It's to decide with whom to associate. It's to have an opinion, silly as it may be. It's a human right to be an idiot.
Hauling a leading newsmagazine before an HRC tribunal may create the storm that sweeps away these ludicrous kangaroo courts.

Stop the HRC

1 comment:

Joanne (True Blue) said...

Awesome column. I linked to it as well this morning.