Lawrence Solomon highlights Dr. Akasofu’s work today in the National Post’s The Deniers - Part XVII:
....over the course of the 20th century, global temperatures increasing by about half a degree Celsius.Hmmm! Do I detect a pattern here?
...over the course of the 19th century, too, global temperatures again increasing by about a half a degree Celsius.
...over the course of the 18th century, too, global temperatures increasing by about a half a degree Celsius.
...over the course of the latter part of the 17th century as well, global temperatures increasing at the rate of about a half a degree Celsius per century.
These hints come from "ice core data from the Arctic island of Severnaya Zemlya, published just last year" and from "multiple other sources".
Dr. Akasofu, says his work indicates "The Earth may still be recovering from the Little Ice Age."
Furthermore, IPCC climate model ‘hindcasting’ fails to produce results matching the actual observations leading to the conclusion that "arctic warming and cooling is not caused by the greenhouse effect".
More on this by Dr Akasofu:
His guest weblog
Research paper (pdf, 7.9 MB)